Cut to the core

Cut to the core

Gold miners in the Brazilian Amazon are destroying the Yanomami community’s home. But, says Davi Kopenawa, his people are ready to fight for their land.
Rowenna Davis met him.

Davi Kopenawa sits opposite me looking agitated. His small brown hands turn a folded piece of paper over and over. It’s an email from his people, the Yanomami community in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon:

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Health Care Reaching Amazonian Indians (April 2008)

Mosquito nets for the Yanomami

For three to five months every year, Christina Haverkamp lives with the Yanomami Indians in the Amazon Rain Forest. So far she has built 3 small medical stations for these people who previously had no access to health care. She also obtained a donation of insecticide-treated mosquito nets from Bayer Environmental Science to help control malaria, a major health threat to these very vulnerable people.

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